Top 5 New Features To Expect In FIFA 16

During the 2015 showing of E3, the creators behind FIFA proclaimed that FIFA 16 will introduce a variety of new features and elements that will help to add a certain degree of realism to the game. In this article, we’ll take a look at what’s new in FIFA 16 and how these new features will change the way you play the game.

Major Defender Upgrades

Defenders will be more capable of playing as a unit, and be more capable of adapting to the fluid and unpredictable nature of a typical soccer match. For example, if your opponent manages to steal the ball mid-field, your defensive allies will immediately recognize this shift and move to defend much faster. Said in simple terms, in FIFA 16, you’ll see defenders making better decisions, such as the decision to leave another player so that they can pursue the one who is running towards the goal.

Powerful Side Tackle Upgrades

In FIFA 15, whenever a player slide tackles, they were committed to that attack, even if the opponent changed directions or avoided the tackle. However, in FIFA 16, you can recover from a slide tackle to steal the ball a second time even if your about avoided the tackle. For example, if a player initiates a slide tackle, and the player with the ball attempts to slip the ball over the tackle, the offending player can press the slide tackle action button a second time, and their player will respond by popping up to attempt to steal the ball a second time.

No Touch Dribbling

Players who have become skilled attackers who destroy their adversaries by utilizing a variety of body swerves and feints to get past defenders, will love this new feature. In FIFA 16, the player will be able to perform a no touch dribbling move. What this does is to allow you to move around the ball, without touching it. This can prove to be particularly useful when it comes to confusing your adversaries.

Womens National Teams

One of the features that will will definitely be of some appeal to FIFA’s female fans, is the fact that you can play as a Women’s National Team. In FIFA 16, players will be able to choose from over 12 different Women’s National Teams, such as Germany, USA, France, Sweden, England, Brazil and Mexico just to name a few. However, it’s also worth noting, that Women’s National Teams can only play other Women’s National Teams.

Full Blown Trainer

In FIFA 15, people who were not familiarized with the title, had to resort to utilize a had the opportunity to learn about the inner workings of the game via training modes. However, these training modes lack dept. the new FIFA 16 576KB trainer, focuses on teaching you how to play, by delivering tips mid-game, about the buttons you should press to pull off the ideal move. This in essence, gives all players the opportunity to build their skill as they play real matches, as opposed to spending their time in the training mode. Its also worth noting that this feature is separate from new special basic skill games, that serve as a tool that beginners can utilize when it comes to learning about FIFA’s control system.